We at On Call Medical know that Flu Season has arrived. We are available 7 days a week if you need us to help you when you have caught the flu. Below are some tips to help keep you flu free this year.
Get Vaccinated
Experts say the single best way to avoid the flu is to get the shot as soon as you can. The ideal time is early fall. But any time during the winter is fine if you haven’t already done it.
The vaccine is designed to protect against the flu strains health experts believe will be most widespread each season — for example, the H1N1 “swine flu.” Some vaccines work against three flu strains — you might hear them called trivalent. Others guard against four strains — doctors will call them quadrivalent.
Vaccine Types
The “shot” contains a dead virus. One kind that’s approved for people 6 months and older goes straight into the muscle. Another uses a smaller needle that only goes into the top layer of your skin. It’s available for people aged 18 to 64.
The nasal spray, FluMist, contains a live but weakened form of the virus. It’s approved for those between 2 and 49 who’s healthy, not allergic to the fly vaccine and not pregnant. It is not recommended for the 2016-2017 flu season.
Egg-free vaccines are for people between 18 and 49 who have severe egg allergies. If your allergy is severe, you should get the flu shot from a doctor who can treat a severe allergic reaction — either at your doctor’s office, a hospital, a clinic, or a health department. Many children with egg allergies are at risk for complications from the flu, so it’s important for them to get the flu shot.
Fluzone is a high-dose version for those 65 and older. It’s better at protecting an older person’s immune system.
There is a “needle-less” option for people 18-64 years old: the jet injector vaccine with Afluria, which uses a tool and high pressure to deliver the vaccine.
Build a Germ Barrier
It’s easy to catch the flu. When a nearby sick person sneezes or coughs, they send out a spray of virus-laden droplets straight to your open mouth or nose.
You can also pick it up from touching a surface — like the restaurant table where a sick person dined before you. Flu germs can linger on places like tables, counters, desks, doorknobs, and faucets for up to 8 hours.8801
When you touch a germy surface and put your hands on your eyes, nose, or mouth, your fingers bring the virus right into your body.
Here are some tips that can help build a germ barrier
- Wash your hands with warm water and soap every time you shake hands or touch a surface that might be germ-covered.
- Carry an Alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you
- Bring along disinfectant wipes to clean any surfaces you are about to touch
- Take care not to touch your month, eyes, or nose without washing your hands first.
Take Care of Yourself
If you want your immune system to be in good enough shape to fight off the flu and other germs, you need to stay healthy.
- Eat a balanced diet.
- Exercise at least 4 days a week.
- Get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.
All these will give your body the strength it needs to fend off an influenza attack.
We at On Call Medical hope these tips were helpful. Please remember we are here 7 days a week to help you through this flu season. Please call us at 228 818-5155, our professional, friendly staff are waiting to help. Also please visit our website at www.oncallclinic.com so find all other services we offer.