Urgent Care Centers

What are Urgent Care Centers?

Urgent care centers offer the provision of immediate walk-in medical services; they could include treatment for an acute illness or injury. Acute illness in this context meaning a condition not quite severe for an emergency room but severe enough to need care within 24 hours. In other words, life threatening illnesses like cancer, internal bleeding and the likes are not for urgent care centers.

Urgent Care Centers

When do You Need Urgent Care?

With the rapid growth of the crowd in hospitals along with the lack of adequate personnel in terms of quantity to provide the need of each patient, urgent care centers come to bridge this gap and satisfy the medical needs of patients as fast as within 24 hours. Rather than having to wait in a hospital for hours and even days, get a faster service.

When you are in need of immediate medical assistance; except in cases of severe life threatening issues, go to an urgent care facility instead of an emergency room, why?

  1. Less time spent in terms of service: with the overcrowded conditions of the emergency rooms in hospitals in Biloxi, Mississippi, you would be heavily delayed but here, you are attended to immediately while still receiving the same medical care that you would receive in a hospital; only just faster.

You are already in need of medical care, obtaining the treatment you need for illness or injury doesn’t have to be an added problem. That is what we take care of, at Oncall Medical Clinic, located in Ocean Springs Mississippi, we take care of conditions such as sore throat, urinary tract infections, moderate cuts and lacerations and also provide diagnostic services, technically, your everyday bruises and sniffles. With our highly qualified physicians, nurses and technicians to take care of your medical need, you are assured of easy access to quality health care for urgent cases more quickly.

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