What is urgent care Gulfport, MS

urgent care Gulfport, MS
urgent care Gulfport MS

What is urgent care Gulfport, MS

Urgent care Gulfport, MS is basically health care services which are provided to people who have injuries or medical conditions which require immediate attention. It’s also cheaper for you to visit urgent care Gulfport, MS facilities as compared to going to emergency rooms. Usually, medical care is needed within 24 hours of an injury, or it may get worse. Urgent care Gulfport, MS are usually clinics which aren’t attached to hospitals but might still be on the same property. If a person is not able to get an appointment at the hospital and isn’t suffering from something serious enough to go to the emergency room, urgent care Gulfport, MS is exactly what they need

These clinics emerged around the 70’s and many times people are even urged to use urgent care Gulfport, MS whenever they can’t get immediate attention. Patients could also get their health issues treated before they become critical where they have no option but to visit the emergency room. One example is if you have a sore throat. Get it treated with urgent care Gulfport, MS before it becomes something serious.

Many of these urgent care Gulfport, MS clinics like On Call Medical Clinic work on a first come first served basis. This means that if they are a little crowded, you’ll need to wait. Some might also ask you to make appointments but guarantee you will be seen to within 24 hours. Depending on the level of the urgent care facility, they can offer a wide variety of services. If necessary, they may even send you to the emergency room. There are some basic medical tests, including medical imaging which can be performed at urgent care facilities to try and figure out what is wrong with you. So the next time you have a medical problem and can’t get an appointment, you now know where to go.

What effects urgent care Gulfport MS costs?

urgent care Gulfport MS
urgent care Gulfport MS

Urgent care Gulfport MS are basically walk-in clinics which can be used when a physician isn’t available or if you need to see a physician urgently and can’t get an appointment. Urgent care Gulfport MS can be considered as a type of bridge between a physician’s office and the emergency room.

Some of the incidents for which you will need urgent care Gulfport include severe sore throats, coughs, a fall, a deep cut, etc. It could be any medical condition which isn’t life threatening. People who don’t have personal physicians can visit urgent care Gulfport MS for routine physicals as well. It isn’t as expensive as visiting the emergency room but is a little better than having to wait to see your physician. Urgent care Gulfport MS should only be used when you can’t meet your physician.

As far as urgent care Gulfport MS costs are concerned, there are a few things which affect it:

The first thing that affects the cost is the location of the urgent care facility. Depending on which part of the city the center is located in, they may be inclined to charge you more.

The type of treatment that you are looking for and the type of care you require will also determine how much you need to pay.

The contracts which a clinic has with its staff will be factored into the costs.

If you have any government or private insurance, it will affect your costs too.

The equipment which is being used at the urgent care Gulfport MS center will be factored into the cost as well. If they have extensive equipment, costs will be higher. Maintenance of this equipment also needs to be accounted for.

So you see there are a number of things that can affect your urgent care bill.

Potty Training Made Easy

mom's guide for potty training


The age when children successfully transition out of diapers may be anywhere from 18 months to 4 years old. If your child can pull their own pants down, stay dry through the night and let you know when they need a diaper change, they may be ready.  However, while your child may be physically ready, they may not be quite there mentally and emotionally.   If they can’t sit still longer than a couple of minutes or recognize the physical signs of an imminent bowel movement, they’re not ready yet. The key to stress free potty training is getting the timing right. Teaching children to use the toilet shouldn’t be forced. Support them when they are ready and help them maintain a positive attitude.  Here a few tips to guide your transition.
Continue reading Potty Training Made Easy

Tips for avoiding toddler tantrums


tips for toddler tantrums

Tantrums are a fact of life for toddlers, but with a few preventative measures the frequency and intensity can be greatly reduced.

  • Follow a schedule – Routine gives toddlers a sense of security and control.  Keeping regular mealtimes, naptimes, and bedtimes can go a long way towards preventing a meltdown.  If you notice your child gets cranky at certain times each day, you can determine what may be their trigger.  Maybe they just need a little extra downtime or a snack around those times.

Continue reading Tips for avoiding toddler tantrums